RPC Christmas Parade Outreach for Mission to Mississippi

Did you know that we at RPC have supported the poor in Mississippi since former Pastor Edwin Elliott and his wife, Anne, lived in Water Valley, over 40 years ago?

When Edwin was finishing seminary and he and Anne were expecting their first child, Laura, Anne became very ill and a local woman, Louise Minor, nursed mom and baby to health. Louise was a gift from God, a woman who was strong in faith and wisdom, and who was also a blessing to her community. Louise knew who was in need, who could use a new coat, Christmas presents for the children, a pair of pants a man could wear to work. And, when the Elliotts moved north to serve the Reformed Church here in Manassas, they kept in touch with Louise and sent what they could every Christmas. That’s how it all began.

Did you know that the donations collected by the church during the Christmas Parade support poor families in Pheba, Mississippi?

For many years, Grace Elliott spearheaded our collection of clothes and toys and books so that we could ship them off to rural Mississippi, first to Water Valley, and then, after the death of Sister Louise Minor, to Pheba. During the Manassas Christmas Parade, the community of Manassas could drop off used toys and clothes that the people of Mississippi were grateful to have. Once the cost of shipping far outweighed the cost of the goods sent, our church began sending money, instead, trusting our brothers and sisters to continue to provide for those most in need. And provide they do!