Regardless of whether the church is meeting, stay home if you are unsure that it is safe to drive!
Church closing is determined by the status of Prince William County Schools (yes, closings are announced for Sundays):
Sunday AM - RPC is closed if Prince William County Schools are closed
Sunday PM - The church is closed if Prince William County Schools are closed. However, conditions may change during the day, and due to minimal school facility use late in the day, the county may not update its status. So we are on our own, and any new RPC status will be communicated to regular evening attenders.
School closings are publicly communicated at:
PW County School Main Page
WTOP online
PWCS cable TV and other local radio and TV stations
In addition, effort will be made to communicate church closings via email, the Church Main Page, and the Church Facebook Page
If you are in doubt, contact the Pastor or a church officer.
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